Royal Rota Photographer at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Concert
It was a great honor to be assigned as one of only four Royal Rota Photographers at the Platinum Party at the Palace.
The atmosphere was amazing at such a historical event. Queues of lucy ticket holders already building up from Green Park tube station all the way down to Buckingham Palace from as early as 4pm.
For this, I was required to wear my best suit, carry the longest lenses in my kit and get through the crowds. We were escorted to the stage area of the Queen Victoria Monument at 7pm, which had been transformed into one of the most magnificent stages I’ve seen in a while, the crowd was electric.
Unfortunately, HRM Queen Elizabeth didn’t make this part of the 70th-anniversary celebrations. Leaving it to the younger Royals to party.
I loved the fact that the Royal Box was only just above the general public with cheaper seats. Giving a sense that they were part of the crowd.